Tag: Cyber Security

The Fundamentals of Cyber Security: Briefing for Business Leaders

Over the last 12 months, 50% of UK businesses experienced some form of cyber security breach. With common attacks ranging from phishing communications, the rise of AI, ransomware, and even internal threats, businesses of all sizes and sectors continue to be targeted by cyber criminals. It’s never been more important to improve your cyber security

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Citation Cyber partnership with Datacentreplus

Strengthening Cyber security Foundations: Datacentreplus Partners with Citation

The demand for robust cyber security measures has never been more critical. At Datacentreplus, we’ve always placed the security and reliability of our data centre solutions at the forefront of our operations. It’s with great enthusiasm that we announce our strategic partnership with Citation, a leading figure in the cyber security industry. This collaboration signifies

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Reflecting on the Year in Hosting: Looking Towards the Future

As we approach the year’s end, it’s time to reflect on the strides made in the hosting industry and look ahead to what the future might hold. Here we discuss some key developments of this year and our expectations for 2024. Industry Highlights of the Year This year, the hosting industry has witnessed significant trends

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E-commerce Downtime: Datacentreplus’s Shield Against Operational Interruptions

Every moment your e-commerce website spends offline translates to missed opportunities, diminished brand trust, and tangible revenue losses. However, with Datacentreplus’s powerful hosting, cloud, and cyber security solutions, you’re armed with a formidable line of defence against these downtimes. Here’s how: Why E-commerce Downtime Matters   Immediate Revenue Losses: For every second that ticks by

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Preparing for CentOS Linux 7 End of Life in 2024: what it means for you

What is CentOS Linux CentOS Linux is a free and open-source operating system derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). In essence, it’s a community-supported version of RHEL without the branding and commercial support, but functionally almost identical. CentOS stands for “Community Enterprise Operating System”. It’s commonly used as a reliable platform

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Man in suit with security icons.

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Endpoint Security

The importance of ‘Endpoint’ security for UK businesses cannot be understated. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, ensuring your company’s digital entry and exit points are well-guarded is crucial. Endpoint security protects user ‘endpoints’ (desktop workstations, laptops, and mobile devices) from threats such as malware, ransomware, and zero-day threats. Yet, many businesses fall prey to

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Secure Your Success: Essential Cybersecurity Practices for Digital Agencies

In an increasingly interconnected and digital landscape, the security of your data and systems should be of paramount importance for digital agencies.  As custodians of sensitive client data and creators of innovative digital solutions, digital agencies must prioritise cybersecurity to protect their reputation, client relationships, and business success.  In this blog, we will explore essential

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How we protect your data

How we protect your data

In today’s digital world, data security is more important than ever. With the ever-increasing amount of data being stored in data centres, it is essential that these facilities are properly secured. Without this, any data held is open to unauthorised access, theft, or damage. For server hosting providers with their own data centres, data security

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