Category: UK Dedicated Servers

Don’t be a victim to cyber attacks and loss of data

Firstly, we would like to wish you a (belated) Happy New Year and hope you’ve had a good start to 2023. We would like to start the year off with an update on Datacentreplus and our plans for 2023! Our Plan As part of our commitment to providing excellent customer service, we are continually reviewing

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how can datacentres be more efficient

How can data centres be more efficient?

Data Centres are important because they contain an organisation’s most critical data and assets. These servers take up a lot of energy as we rely on them to execute specific tasks for a business and to manage their large volumes of data 24/7. Because they consume a lot of power to keep businesses running, the

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Power: An integral part of our data centre

As obvious as it sounds, power is a critical part of a data centre. Basically, data centres rely on power for just about everything they do. No power, no data! It really is like anything else that requires electricity. To ensure that everything runs smoothly at all times in a data centre, the System Administrators

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Referral Partner
Enquiry Form

send us your details and we will contact you with all the details about our referral partnership

You can also contact us directly:
Tel: 0161 464 6101