Category: Server Hosting

Behind Every Efficient Factory is a Reliable Server: Introducing Datacentreplus

Consider a modern factory where machinery operates efficiently and conveyor belts transport goods seamlessly. In this setup, every machine, worker, and process is streamlined and coordinated by a central digital system. At the heart of this system is a dependable server ensuring everything runs smoothly. In today’s fast-paced manufacturing world, efficiency isn’t just desired; it’s

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Maximising Website Performance: Tips from Datacentreplus Experts

Maximising Website Performance: Tips from Datacentreplus Experts

Website performance is more important than ever before. With so many websites vying for attention, it’s essential that your site loads quickly and performs well. If your site is slow or unresponsive, visitors are likely to click away and go to a competitor’s site instead. There are a number of factors that can affect website

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Don’t be a victim to cyber attacks and loss of data

Firstly, we would like to wish you a (belated) Happy New Year and hope you’ve had a good start to 2023. We would like to start the year off with an update on Datacentreplus and our plans for 2023! Our Plan As part of our commitment to providing excellent customer service, we are continually reviewing

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why hosting with a provider is better than hosting in house

Why hosting with a provider is better than hosting in house

Since the pandemic, many companies have changed the landscape of their business to become more digital. As a result of this businesses started building or updating their own sites. This has led them to look at their hosting solution. Deciding how to host your site can be a complex decision. This article will outline why

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an introduction to cloud hosting

An Introduction to Cloud Hosting

The Cloud can be a complex topic, certainly when it comes to hosting. That is why we have put together an introduction to Cloud Hosting to help you work out whether Cloud Hosting is right for you. What is Cloud Hosting Cloud hosting is when a site or application utilises “the cloud” which is hosted

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Why you should use a Load Balancer

We often get asked about load balancers so hopefully, this article will help answer some of these questions. Implementing a load balancer can maximize your server’s performance whilst minimizing the response time and makes scalability much easier, but what is load balancing? What is load balancing? Load balancing is when traffic is distributed across multiple

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Now is a good time to upgrade your server

It seems that we’re forever being told to upgrade to the latest phone, tablet laptop, etc. and it is sometimes difficult to keep pace with the rate of change when it comes to technology. With the increasing importance of an online platform, now is a good time to upgrade your server! (especially given the circumstances

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