Category: Cloud

Private cloud advantages

The Benefits of Having a Private Cloud

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are increasingly turning to cloud computing to enhance efficiency, scalability, and security. While public cloud solutions are popular, private clouds offer distinct advantages that can significantly benefit organizations. Enhanced Security and Compliance Private clouds provide unparalleled security by ensuring that your data and applications are hosted on dedicated infrastructure. This

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Cloud Solutions for Small Businesses: Affordable and Scalable IT Resources

Small enterprises often grapple with the challenge of scaling their operations without breaking the bank. This is where Cloud Solutions can help. In this post, we dive deep into how cloud solutions offer affordable and scalable IT resources tailored for small businesses, and why Datacentreplus remains the trusted partner in this venture. Cloud Solutions for

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Datacentreplus: Empowering Digital Transformation with Secure Cloud Solutions

The digital frontier is ever-expanding, presenting businesses with unparalleled opportunities to innovate, streamline, and scale. Yet, as they navigate this journey, one crucial pillar stands tall: security. In this blog, we explore how Datacentreplus is spearheading the movement, empowering businesses in their digital transformation with secure cloud solutions. Digital Transformation: A Need, Not a Luxury

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Cloud Disaster Recovery: Planning for the Unexpected

The one thing businesses can be certain of is the unexpected. Whether it’s a hardware malfunction, software bug, or cyber threats, downtime can spell disaster. But with Cloud Disaster Recovery, companies can be prepared. Today, we’re diving into the necessity of planning for the unexpected, and how Datacentreplus is your trusted partner in ensuring your

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Demystifying Cloud Hosting: A Guide for Digital Agencies and Manufacturers

The term ‘cloud hosting’ is frequently bandied about. But for industries as diverse as digital agencies and manufacturers, what does it truly mean? And more importantly, how can you harness its power for your business’s success? Let Datacentreplus illuminate the path for you.   Understanding Cloud Hosting At its core, cloud hosting is about storing

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Unlocking Efficiency: How Cloud Computing Transforms Manufacturing Processes

In the rapidly evolving landscape of manufacturing, staying competitive requires embracing innovative technologies that streamline operations and enhance efficiency.  Cloud computing has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionising manufacturing processes and enabling manufacturers to unlock new levels of productivity and agility.  In this blog, we will explore how cloud computing transforms manufacturing processes, empowering businesses

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How to optimise your server for Magento hosting

Ensuring your server is optimised is essential to getting the most out of your hardware. Without proper optimisation, you leave your system open to outages and cyber attacks. Magento is a complex e-commerce platform that can be demanding on servers. Here are some tips on how to optimise your server for Magento hosting: Choose a

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datacentreplus is now a G cloud 13 approved supplier

We are now a G Cloud 13 approved supplier!

We are pleased to announce that Datacentreplus is now listed on the G-Cloud portal.  This means we are now a government-approved supplier of cloud hosting and other services. This index is used by public sector customers to purchase cloud-based computing services.  To become a named supplier on the G-Cloud 13 framework we had to pass

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an introduction to cloud hosting

An Introduction to Cloud Hosting

The Cloud can be a complex topic, certainly when it comes to hosting. That is why we have put together an introduction to Cloud Hosting to help you work out whether Cloud Hosting is right for you. What is Cloud Hosting Cloud hosting is when a site or application utilises “the cloud” which is hosted

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Datacentreplus visits DTX Manchester

Last week several of our staff attended the DTX Manchester (previously IP EXPO) at the Iconic Manchester Central. The event took place over 2 days showcasing some of the latest trends including Cyber Security, Connectivity, Server Management, Cloud Technology and Backup Technology. Event speakers included Gary Neville, Manisha Mistry (Rolls Royce COO) and Manchester mayor Andy

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