Category: Managed Hosting

Private cloud advantages

The Benefits of Having a Private Cloud

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are increasingly turning to cloud computing to enhance efficiency, scalability, and security. While public cloud solutions are popular, private clouds offer distinct advantages that can significantly benefit organizations. Enhanced Security and Compliance Private clouds provide unparalleled security by ensuring that your data and applications are hosted on dedicated infrastructure. This

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The benefits of choosing a dedicated server

The Benefits of Choosing a Dedicated Server

When it comes to server hosting, businesses and organisations have several options to choose from. This includes shared hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, and dedicated servers. Among these options, dedicated servers are often considered the gold standard for businesses that require high performance, security, and reliability. In this blog, we will explore the

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why hosting with a provider is better than hosting in house

Why hosting with a provider is better than hosting in house

Since the pandemic, many companies have changed the landscape of their business to become more digital. As a result of this businesses started building or updating their own sites. This has led them to look at their hosting solution. Deciding how to host your site can be a complex decision. This article will outline why

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Why you should use a Load Balancer

We often get asked about load balancers so hopefully, this article will help answer some of these questions. Implementing a load balancer can maximize your server’s performance whilst minimizing the response time and makes scalability much easier, but what is load balancing? What is load balancing? Load balancing is when traffic is distributed across multiple

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The advantages of having your hosting servers local

When choosing your hosting provider there are a few things to consider, however, one that is often overlooked is the location. Having your hosting provider based locally to you is a lot more beneficial than you might think, here are a few reasons why. Size While it may seem logical to go for the provider

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Top 5 reasons why you should consider a managed hosting solution

Managed hosting keeps the day-to-day management of servers, system hardware, and system software in the hands of your hosting provider. This comes with a number of benefits, and often allows you to focus on core business objectives and key competencies (and is often something our customers ask us about). So, to help you to boost

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